Does your organization suffer from losses due to employee fraud? If so, you’re not alone.

According to, organizations worldwide lose approximately 5% of revenue due to these illicit acts. Time theft schemes are some of the most common, affecting an estimated 75% of all U.S.-based businesses.

Time theft occurs when employees receive pay for hours they haven’t worked. It can happen in several ways, from personal phone use during work hours to taking excessively long breaks. Then, there’s “buddy punching,” in which a colleague clocks in on behalf of another.

A fingerprint time clock, one of today’s advanced biometric attendance systems, offers an innovative way to combat such problems.

So, join our team at TimeTrak Systems as we explore how fingerprint-based employee time-tracking technology works and how these advanced time clock solutions can benefit your organization.

How a Fingerprint Time Clock Works

No two fingerprints are entirely alike because, as explains, every person has unique fingerprints. They differ even in identical twins who share the same DNA.

Fingerprint time clock technology capitalizes on that fact to provide organizations with an accurate and reliable way to identify employees who clock in. It ensures the person trying to punch in is who they say they are.

Here’s how these fingerprint time and workforce management tools do their job.


First, employees must have their fingerprints scanned by the fingerprint time clock system. The system then stores the information in its database as a digital template.

Fingerprint Analysis for Clocking In or Out

Once an employee’s fingerprint is in the system, they can clock in or out by placing their finger on the time clock’s scanner. The scanner captures an image of the fingerprint and compares it to the registered fingerprint data template. The clock ensures an accurate comparison using complex and advanced algorithms.


If the fingerprint matches the registered data, the time clock approves the clock in/out. Only upon approval does the system record the employee’s actual time in or out.

Additional Security With Camera Backup Technology

As innovative as fingerprint time clocks are, they can still encounter issues due to:

  • Moist hands
  • Cracked fingertip skin
  • Dirty fingers

The system may have problems correctly capturing an employee’s fingerprint scan in such cases, resulting in scanning delays. Workers may also become annoyed and file complaints, such as if the time-in or time-out delays cause them to be late.

Your organization can minimize the risk of such errors and issues by using even more advanced time clock systems with camera backup features. A perfect example is the TimeTrak System’s essInfoTouch fingerprint time clock.

The essInfoTouch system features an integrated digital camera that takes a user’s photograph after three failed attempts at clocking in or out. After taking the photo, the clock accepts the punch and flags it as an exception for review. The payroll or accounting team will see the image with the punch on the employee’s time card.

The photo can prove there were issues with the system as the employee tried to clock in or out. It also confirms that the worker trying to punch in or out is who they say they are, not a “buddy” who asked them to clock in on their behalf.

Fingerprint-Based Digital Time Clock Benefits

A fingerprint-based digital time clock offers several benefits as a biometric tracking technology, including:

  • Significantly reduced time theft due to unique identification capabilities
  • Increased accuracy in employee hour tracking
  • Integration with payroll services
  • Improved security by preventing buddy punching
  • Faster clock-in and clock-out process
  • Compliance with labor laws by ensuring accurate timekeeping records

Let’s examine each benefit of fingerprint time clock systems more closely.

Reduced Time Theft

Because fingerprints are unique to each individual, a fingerprint time clock eliminates the possibility of someone else clocking in for another employee. It can significantly reduce “buddy punching” and time theft problems in your organization.

Accurate Time Tracking

Automatically capturing employee attendance through fingerprint scans ensures precise recording of work hours. So, with a fingerprint-based time clock, your organization can reduce and even eliminate manual errors in employee time tracking. You’ll always have reliable data for accurate payroll calculations.

Quick Integration With Payroll Services

The most reliable and innovative fingerprint time clocks simplify payroll computations through seamless integration with accounting software. For example, TimeTrak Systems’ time clocks integrate seamlessly with many popular payroll services, including but not limited to the following:

  • ADP
  • Paychex
  • Sage
  • QuickBooks

Integrating accurate time clock data with payroll software can help boost your organization’s productivity. For example, your accounting department can say goodbye to manual data entry and review, as the time clock and payroll technologies have already digitized and processed the information for them.

Enhanced Security

Biometric recognition through fingerprint or facial feature scanning is a secure method of personal identification because of these characteristics’ uniqueness. They’re not easy to tamper with, alter, or replicate. The level of security biometrics provide is so high that the United States Department of Homeland Security uses it as part of the nation’s security protocols.

Faster Clocking Process

Employees can quickly clock in and out by placing their finger on the scanner, helping streamline the timekeeping process. Moreover, they can worry less about being unable to clock in or out, which can happen with physical badges or cards. Workers can lose or forget their badges or cards, but they will never lose their fingerprints.

Improved Compliance

Accurately tracking employee hours helps businesses comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Your organization should aim for 100% compliance, as violations can lead to hefty fines. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, willful violations of the FLSA may even result in criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment!

Ready to Reap the Benefits of a Fingerprint Time Clock?

fingerprint time clock is a secure and convenient way to manage employee attendance and work hours. Because it uses biometrics, it offers a more advanced technology that is difficult to tamper with, unlike physical credentials.

TimeTrak Systems, founded in 1979, is a highly reliable and leading provider of labor management solutions. We have 40+ years of expertise in delivering top-tier worker attendance and time-tracking solutions to all businesses, regardless of size.

Schedule a consultation today, and we’ll be happy to assist you in getting your free trial!

Published On: February 12th, 2025 / Categories: Biometrics, Fingerprint Time Clock /